Syndicated Bank Loan Market Summary – Week Ending 12/24/20
WEDDINGWIRE TL ranks number 10 on the Quote Volume Movers chart last week.
WEDDINGWIRE TL ranks number 10 on the Quote Volume Movers chart last week.
FGP 8.625 6/15/2020 was the top High Yield Quote Volume Mover with the largest increase in quote volume last week.
Washington, D.C. was the top Muni State 'Winner' last week (1.15%) with a change in -41 bps compared to the week prior (1.56%)
Hotel, Gaming & Leisure was the top Industry 'Winner' last week with 2.11% yield compared to 2.40% the week before.
Solve Advisors and INTEX Announce Expansion of Integration with INTEXcalc and INTEXlink
DIAMOND SPORTS GR/DIAMON ranked as one of the most quoted #HighYield Corporate bonds last week, being quoted by 32 dealers.
PEMEX 9.5 9/15/2027 was last week's top IG Corp 'Winner' ($114.75) as they announced they are no longer a participant in the largest oil organization.
WASHINGTON ST CONVENT ranked in 5 spots on the Muni Bond Quote Volume Movers list last week as they announce that they will be working on a $1.9 billion expansion project.
FRONTERA TL B has struggled over the past couple of weeks as indicated by its #1 loan 'loser' rank this week after ranking #5 the week prior.
Solve data showed that senior bonds have tightened while subs exposed to travel and leisure remain wide and continue to suffer in Methodical Valuation and Advisory's latest market commentary: