Debt Analysis by SOLVE

Immediately Generate an Issue Summary, Maturity Profile and Debt Service Schedule for Every Municipal Issuer

Debt Analysis by SOLVE

Immediately Generate An Issue Summary, Maturity Profile And Debt Service Schedule For Every Municipal Issuer

Debt Analysis by SOLVE

Immediately Generate an Issue Summary, Maturity Profile and Debt Service Schedule for Every Municipal Issuer

Debt Analysis by SOLVE

Features & Benefits

  • Issue Summary: Outstanding Issues for a given Issuer, by Obligor, giving Clients an Overview of the Overall Debt Position
  • Maturity Profile: Detailing Maturity Dates And Principal Payments For Each Issue. Clients Can Access Detailed Information On Each Principal Payment, Including Details On Bifurcated Coupons, Sink Fund Schedules And Call Structures.
  • Debt Service Calculations: Available In Detailed And Summarized Formats, Providing Insights Into The Debt Obligations For Each Obligor And Issue.

Configurable and exportable to Excel – Issue Summary, Maturity Profile & Debt Service Calculations

Flexible Debt Search & Selection

Powerful search and selection feature, allowing users to aggregate debt information based on Obligor, Issuer, Issue or CUSIP. Ability to add or remove individual Issues or bonds.

Excel Export

Clients can quickly export an Issue Summary, Maturity Profile and the Debt Service report based on the debt they have selected.


Ability to define data included in each analysis with the option to select Issue and Bond level fields for display and export. Clients can create a consolidated view or summarize debt analysis by Obligor.

SOLVE Empowers

SOLVE’s Debt Analysis solution offers outstanding Issue Summaries, Maturity Profiles and Debt Service Schedules for the Entire Public Finance Market to Power analyses and reports

  • Outstanding Debt Summaries, Maturity Profiles and Debt Service Schedules for the entire public finance market to power analyses and reports
  • Summary Debt pages for client presentations
  • “Issuer Categorization” groups related Obligors to define a single “Client”
  • “Debt Picker” allows clients to select debt at the Issue and Bond level to create a custom list of debt
  • “Preferred Views” for customization of Issue and Bond tables
  • Outstanding Debt Summaries, Maturity Profiles and Debt Service Schedules for the entire public finance market to power analyses and reports
  • Summary Debt Pages for client presentations
  • “Issuer Categorization” groups related Obligors to define a single “Client”
  • “Debt Picker” allows clients to select debt at the Issue and Bond level to create a custom list of debt
  • “Preferred Views” for customization of Issue and Bond tables
  • Generate current outstanding Issue Summary on demand, by individual Obligor
  • Up-to-date Maturity Profiles and Debt Service Schedules always available
  • Export to excel to power internal analyses

SOLVE Empowers

SOLVE’s Debt Analysis solution offers outstanding Debt Summaries, Maturity Profiles and Debt Service Schedules for the Entire Public Finance Market to Power analyses and reports

  • Summary Debt Pages for Client Presentations
  • “Issuer Categorization” groups related Obligors to define a single “Client”
  • “Debt Picker” allows Users to Select Debt to the Issue and Bond Level to Create a Custom List of Debt
  • “Preferred Views” for Customization of Issue and Bond Tables
  • Outstanding Debt Summaries, Maturity Profiles and Debt Service Schedules for the Entire Public Finance Market to Power analyses and reports
  • Summary Debt Pages for Client Presentations
  • “Issuer Categorization” groups related Obligors to define a single “Client”
  • “Debt Picker” allows Users to Select Debt to the Issue and Bond Level to Create a Custom List of Debt
  • “Preferred Views” for Customization of Issue and Bond Tables
  • Outstanding Debt Summaries, Maturity Profiles and Debt Service Schedules for the Entire Public Finance Market to Power analyses and reports
  • Summary Debt Pages for Client Presentations
  • “Issuer Categorization” groups related Obligors to define a single “Client”
  • “Debt Picker” allows Users to Select Debt to the Issue and Bond Level to Create a Custom List of Debt
  • “Preferred Views” for Customization of Issue and Bond Tables
  • Outstanding Debt Summaries, Maturity Profiles and Debt Service Schedules for the Entire Public Finance Market to Power analyses and reports
  • Summary Debt Pages for Client Presentations
  • “Issuer Categorization” groups related Obligors to define a single “Client”
  • “Debt Picker” allows Users to Select Debt to the Issue and Bond Level to Create a Custom List of Debt
  • “Preferred Views” for Customization of Issue and Bond Tables

“The Debt Analysis saves us 90% of the time we spent creating and maintaining Debt Maps and analyses for clients and as we are prospecting.”

Industry Recognition

Markets Covered

See HOW Your Business can be powered by SOLVE’s DEBT ANALYSIS

See How your business can be Powered by SOLVE|Diver debt Analysis

Hundreds of institutions rely on SOLVE to perform new issue pricing analyses, identify primary and secondary trade opportunities, monitor market activity, value fixed income positions, and comply with securities regulations.

Hundreds of institutions rely on SOLVE to perform new issue pricing analyses, identify primary and secondary trade opportunities, monitor market activity, value fixed income positions, and comply with securities regulations.

Explore More of The SOLVE Platform
with Deep Market Insight™

Explore More of
The SOLVE Platform

with Deep Market Insight™

The SOLVE Platform represents a powerful combination of data, analytics, and workflow tools that save time, reduce risk and drive the growth of your fixed income business.

The SOLVE Platform represents a powerful
combination of data, analytics, and workflow
tools that save time, reduce risk and drive
the growth of your fixed income business.

Save Time. Reduce Risk. Build Your Business.

Save Time. Reduce Risk.
Build Your Business.