SOLVE Quotes & Composite Pricing

Aggregate 20 Million daily Quotes across hundreds of thousands of Securities Covering all key Fixed Income Asset Classes

SOLVE Quotes & Composite Pricing

Features & Benefits

Our solution organizes quotes and market color sourced from your firm’s messages or crowd-sourced from SOLVE’s network of buy- and sell-side contributors. The resulting unparalleled access to real-time quotes, allows you to save inordinate time in researching individual securities or larger trends in the market and gives you confidence that you are executing or pricing securities at correct levels.

Key visualization and workflow tools allow you to generate insights and get alerted in real-time to opportunities and trade ideas.

  • Real-Time And Historical Market Color
  • Portfolio Matchers With BWICs, Dealer Inventories, One- And Two-Sided Markets
  • Comparable Securities And Capital Structure
  • Holders Information
  • Various Delivery Options Such As FIX, FTP, Excel Add-In
  • Integration Partnerships
Global Markets Coverage Daily Securities Daily Quotes
Structured Products 150,000 20,000 120,000
Corporate Bonds 100,000 45,000 18,000,000
Convertible Bonds 2,500 1,200 28,000
Credit Default Swaps 6,000 4,500 200,000
Syndicated Bank Loans 6,500 3,500 50,000
Municipal Bonds 375,000 40,000 250,000

Overall, Relative Value Analysis is an essential tool that empowers traders, portfolio managers, and risk managers to make informed decisions through detailed comparisons, thus enhancing investment strategies and risk management practices. 

This analysis enhances decision-making by quickly assessing if bonds are rich or cheap, and providing detailed insights through configurable searches and filters to view price, spread, and yield values over various periods for specific bonds. 

Real-Time Message Parsing

SOLVE’s Quotes & Composite Pricing solution sets a new standard in the industry, leveraging cutting-edge Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning technologies. Unlike other so called parsers, that are heavily dependent on consistent email formats or templates, our state-of-the-art parser is entirely format-agnostic and is specifically trained to detect and extract nuanced trader lingo in highly conversational messages, spreadsheets, and other attachments ensuring unparalleled coverage, accuracy, and quality of data.

With SOLVE’s proprietary in-house parsing technology, we excel in capturing even the smallest nuances in quotes. Our solution aggregates a wide range of crucial pricing and market information, including Bids, Offers, Sizes, Price Talk, Covers, and various spread and yield conventions such as G, Z, OAS, Payups, YTC, YTM, YTW, and more. By extracting all relevant data within the message, our parsing capabilities deliver comprehensive insights and enable precise analysis.

SOLVE’s State-of-the Art Parser Is Entirely Message Format Agnostic

Contributed Quotes

In addition to aggregating quotes from your firm’s own messages, SOLVE Quotes & Composite Pricing allows to overlay anonymous quotes contributed by certain buy- and sell-side market participants. As a result, our solution provides clients with the most comprehensive and accurate representation of the Fixed Income markets.

  • Unparalleled coverage overlaying quotes received by firms directly with a comprehensive database of contributed quotes
  • Real-time and Historical Data
  • Access quotes via our GUI or various datafeeds
Global Markets Coverage Daily Securities Daily Quotes AI Predictive Prices
Structured Products 150,000 20,000 120,000
Corporate Bonds 100,000 45,000 18,000,000
Convertible Bonds 2,500 1,200 28,000
Credit Default Swaps 6,000 4,500 200,000
Syndicated Loans 6,500 3,500 60,000
Municipal Bonds 1,100,000 54,000 427,000 900,000+

Composite Levels

Our Composite Pricing consolidates comprehensive raw quotes data from various market participants into composite levels that represent the market consensus Bid and Offer levels.

This dataset makes it easier to identify market trends and day-over-day, week-over-week changes, which may be challenging to glean from a fragmented landscape of quotes coming from many market participants. Our platform allows clients to visualize Quotes side-by-side with Composite Pricing for maximum transparency.

Our Composite Pricing is driven by a combination of the most complete set of quotes and highly nuanced proprietary algorithms that identify various quantitative and qualitative characteristics of quotes to establish a reliable representation of market consensus pricing.

Market Consensus Bid and Offer Levels

Delivery Options

In addition to our Award-winning front-end solutions, access SOLVE’s market data through a variety of data feeds enabling automated, flexible, and efficient integration into your existing systems.

  • Web front-end with proprietary workflow tools & analytics
  • Data Feeds: FIX, CSV files via FTP or SFTP, Rest API
  • Excel Add-in
  • Integration Partners

SOLVE’s Excel Add-In is an invaluable tool that streamlines your data workflows and empowers your financial strategies. The Excel Add-In is now available and designed to seamlessly integrate our data into your proprietary spreadsheets.

  • Access SOLVE’s invaluable data effortlessly within the Excel environment, eliminating the need to switch between applications.
  • Integrates with your spreadsheets, enabling you to Incorporate SOLVE data directly into your models, calculations, and reports.
  • Stay ahead with real-time data updates, ensuring you always have access to the most current and accurate information to make swift and informed decisions.

FIX, FTP, API, and Excel Add-In

Portfolio & Searches with Matchers

SOLVE’s Quotes & Composite Pricing solution offers a comprehensive portfolio and watchlist management feature that not only allows users to build, share, and monitor securities, but also provides valuable insights into market activity.

  • Track portfolio or watchlists
  • Conduct highly detailed searches across the various asset classes with comprehensive bond descriptive reference data
  • Identify actionable securities by identify matchers with BWICs, Dealer Inventories, and One- and Two-sided Markets
  • Enable notification and price alerts to get proactively notified to opportunities in the market
  • Share portfolios and add comments for better collaboration

Visualization Tools

SOLVE Quotes & Composite Pricing solution provides you with powerful tools to visualize and analyze individual or multiple securities. With intuitive and interactive visualizations, you can gain deeper insights into bond price trends, market dynamics, and liquidity.

  • Visualize your parsed quotes side-by-side with contributed quotes from other participants
  • Overlay Composite Pricing and Trade data
  • Graph multiple securities side by side to identify relative value
  • Easily filter providers, sizes, quote types, and many others

Visualize Market Dynamics For Better Insights

BWIC & Inventory Monitors

Eliminate hours of manual searching and monitor market activity in real-time with SOLVE’s BWIC and Inventory Monitors. Stay informed about potential buying or selling opportunities, assess market sentiment, and make well-informed trading decisions.

  • Track market activity via consolidated BWICs, Dealer Inventories, and One- and Two-sided Markets
  • Identify actionable securities in your portfolios and watchlists via the matcher functionality
  • Quantify liquidity and staleness of quotes

Capital Structure & Comps

SOLVE’s Quotes & Composite Pricing solution offers a Capital Structure and Comparables feature allowing clients to view and analyze related securities issued by the same or comparable Issuer, company, or SPV.

  • Discover market color on comparable securities when the security of interest is thinly quoted
  • Identify relative value opportunities
  • Easily track related 144a and Reg S securities

Best Bid & Offer

SOLVE’s Quotes & Composite Pricing provides the most sophisticated and flexible pre-trade price transparency and analytics tools for the Fixed Income market. When securities have lots of streaming quotes from multiple providers, quickly cutting through the noise and seeing the most relevant quotes can lead to better trading decision. 

  • View the best bid, best offer and tightest market  
  • Filter specific datasets, providers and the look-back period.  

Live Alerts

SOLVE’s platform helps clients stay ahead of the competition by proactively notifying them of opportunities in the market.  Set and receive notifications via the platform or through email tracking market activity or price targets that have been reached. 

  • Set alerts on individual securities or portfolios 
  • Set price, spread, or yield thresholds and get alerted when those levels are reached 

Holder Data

SOLVE’s Quotes & Composite Pricing includes bond holder data from a variety of sources to create additional transparency and help our clients generate opportunities to trade.

SOLVE Empowers

SOLVE’s Quotes & Composite Pricing aggregates pricing from your firm’s messages utilizing SOLVE’s industry-leading Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning technology.

  • Automate the conversion of your messages into easily accessible accurate bid and offer quotes with related color and composite levels
  • Enrich your pricing models with access to the most accurate and complete set of bids and offer quotes sourced from across the market
  • Access valuable comparable pricing color, from quotes as well as trades for similar deals and bonds from the same issuer
  • Validate or challenge valuations of fixed income securities with the most complete and accurate observable bid and offer quote data in the market
  • Ensure independence and empower your valuation professionals by providing them with direct access to market color
  • Save time with access to an aggregated database of pricing from multiple sources including global exchanges, TRACE, MSRB, ETFs, Buy and Sell Side firms, and well as SOLVE proprietary composite levels
  • Fill axes, find matchers and move your inventory with bid and offer color including BWICs, matched to positions of interest
  • Real-time access to the cleanest, most complete historical pre- and post-trade market data to power your quantitative models
  • Arm yourself with accurate, deep market color about specific bonds and markets to build rich dialogue and trust with your clients
  • Have confidence that you will trade at the best levels with comparable trade activity and bid and offer quotes sourced from across the market

SOLVE Empowers

BDC Data & Analytics by SOLVE

BDC and other direct lending market participants save time by leveraging the most accurate, complete and timely source of BDC portfolio company investment data in the Market.

  • Automate the conversion of your messages into easily accessible accurate bid and offer quotes with related color and composite levels
  • Fill axes, find matchers and move your inventory with bid and offer color including BWICs, matched to positions of interest
  • Have confidence that you will trade at the best levels with comparable trade activity and bid and offer quotes sourced from across the market
  • Arm yourself with accurate, deep market color about specific bonds and markets to build rich dialogue and trust with your clients
  • Real-time access to the cleanest, most complete historical pre- and post-trade market data to power your quantitative models
  • Enrich your pricing models with access to the most accurate and complete set of bid and offer quotes sourced from across the market
  • Save time with access to an aggregated database of pricing from multiple sources including global exchanges, TRACE, MSRB, ETFs, Buy and Sell Side firms, as well as SOLVE proprietary composite levels
  • Access valuable comparable pricing color, from quotes as well as trades for similar deals and bonds from the same issuer
  • Validate or challenge valuations of fixed income securities with the most complete and accurate observable bid and offer quote data in the market
  • Ensure independence and empower your valuation professionals by providing them with direct access to market color

Save Time. Reduce Risk.
Build Your Business.

Industry Recognition

Markets Covered

See How Your Business can be powered by SOLVE’s Quotes & Composite Pricing

See How YOUR BUSINESS CAN BE Powered by SOLVE Quotes & Composite Pricing

Hundreds of institutions rely on SOLVE to perform new issue pricing analyses, identify primary and secondary trade opportunities, monitor market activity, value fixed income positions, and comply with securities regulations.

Hundreds of institutions rely on SOLVE to perform new issue pricing analyses, identify primary and secondary trade opportunities, monitor market activity, value fixed income positions, and comply with securities regulations.

Integration Partners

Explore More of The SOLVE Platform

Explore More of
The SOLVE Platform

The SOLVE Platform represents a powerful combination of data, analytics, and workflow tools that save time, reduce risk and drive the growth of your fixed income business.

The SOLVE Platform represents a powerful
combination of data, analytics, and workflow
tools that save time, reduce risk and drive
the growth of your fixed income business.

Save Time. Reduce Risk. Build Your Business.

Save Time. Reduce Risk.
Build Your Business.