
What Future Enhancements Can Muni Clients Expect From SOLVE?


What future enhancements can Municipal Bond clients expect from SOLVE?

You know, there has been quite a bit that’s been done over the past few months. We’ve done some outstanding work with regard to our Debt Analysis [solution], where we’ve added debt service calculations, we are adding a DBC export there, and there are other things that we’ve added to make sure that application is working as our clients want it.

But some of the other things that we’ll be doing, first off is further integration around our trading and portfolio management tools. And most specifically there it’s going from the integration we’ve done, which is bringing SOLVE Quotes into what we call D2 or the [SOLVE] Ticker and the [SOLVE] Secondary Quotes platform taking it a step further. So by doing that, we were able to leverage some of what we were doing on the DIVER side, bringing in trade data, spreading accurately for every single bond, and doing things of that nature, making that available to our Quotes clients. Bringing Quotes into the DIVER platform also allows us to make Quotes available to our DIVER platform. But there are benefits to each platform that we want to leverage: holders data, greater search capabilities that that exist within the DIVER platform, making that available to Quotes clients, being able to load portfolios without size limitations. These are things that will be coming on that side of the market.

Next up, you can continue to expect to see SOLVE Px enhancements. We are moving from beta to production, which is super exciting. We will be delivering SOLVE Px in real time. We will be delivering SOLVE Px for both institutional size as well as retail size trades both for the bid and the offer — already available. And we continue to refine our models and we will continue to do so and one of the other features that we’ll be doing is, allowing clients who are taking SOLVE Px to a data feed to have the price generated on the the size of the trade that is most indicative for them. So for example, our institutional trade is going to be at $1,000,000. Our retail is going to be set to 50,000. If you’re a client and you say, hey, our average trade side is size is $85,000. That’s what our SOLVE Px is going to be driven by. An important enhancement coming down the road.

And then one of the other things that we’re really excited about that we’ve been working on is the creation of a relative value tool that’ll be integrated into the quotes platform as well. So those are just a few of the things that that are on the road map for what I’ll say the relative near term.

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