SOLVE’s Ticker Boosts Muni Market Price Transparency

SOLVE, provider of pre-trade quotes data across fixed income markets, has rolled out ‘Ticker’, its municipal market data offering as part of the SOLVE platform.

SOLVE’s Ticker for the municipal market integrates market data quotes parsed anonymously from both buy- and sell-side market participants, utilising Natural Language Processing and AI/ML technology. Observations in Ticker are accessible in real-time and historical formats, allowing clients to run multiple configurations concurrently and tile their screens to monitor various market segments. This feature enables them to visually track price changes against the last trade or quote, monitor market movement, and export data into Excel for additional analyses.

Talking to The DESK, SOLVE founder and CEO Eugene Grinberg, said, “By streaming quotes and trades in real-time, SOLVE’s Muni Ticker is a breakthrough for municipal bond pricing transparency. We are providing a tangible competitive edge to our clients by helping make informed trading decisions grounded in the best data possible.”


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