SOLVE Platform

The Most Complete and Accurate Fixed Income Data, Analytics & Workflow Tools

Market Data Platform

SOLVE Quotes Data

SOLVE’s powerful Analytics, Workflow Tools, and Feeds are fueled by our Proprietary Data – amassed and curated by NLP, AI, and ML.

Global Markets Coverage Daily Securities Daily Quotes AI Predictive Prices
Structured Products 150,000 20,000 120,000
Corporate Bonds 100,000 45,000 18,000,000
Convertible Bonds 2,500 1,200 28,000
Credit Default Swaps 6,000 4,500 200,000
Syndicated Loans 6,500 3,500 60,000
Municipal Bonds 1,000,000 54,000 427,000 900,000+

Critical Data, Analytics & Workflow Tools for Your Fixed Income Strategy

Only SOLVE Platform comes with Deep Market Insight – the most complete and accurate fixed income data, Analytics, and Workflow Tools available. Gain the unique insights you need with unmatched breadth, depth and accuracy to issue, trade, or value fixed-income securities quickly and with confidence.

 Save Time

Save hundreds of hours in data research, analysis, issuing and trading

Reduce Risk

Know where to price a trade and meet your regulatory requirements

Build Your Business

Bid more deals, identify trade opportunities and generate more revenue

Markets Covered

See How Your Business can be powered by SOLVE

See How Underwriting is Powered by SOLVE with Deep Market InsightTM

Hundreds of institutions rely on SOLVE to perform new issue pricing analyses, identify primary and secondary trade opportunities, monitor market activity, value fixed income positions, and comply with securities regulations.

Hundreds of institutions rely on SOLVE to perform new issue pricing analyses, identify primary and secondary trade opportunities, monitor market activity, value fixed income positions, and comply with securities regulations.

Integration Partners

Save Time. Reduce Risk. Build Your Business.

Save Time. Reduce Risk.
Build Your Business.