July 2020 Product Release 3.18 Key Takeaways
- Improved Pricing Transparency on Agency Pass-Throughs
- Improved Specified Pool visibility:
- Introducing a new Pool Offerings summary tab
- Enhanced Search and Filtering capabilities
- More reference data, alerting, and customization functionality
Details and additional information
Bid, Offer, 2-Way Market Alerts
- Inventory alerts and matchers are now more granular in designating “Bid”, “Offer”, and “2-Way”.
Pool Offerings Tab
- Access the real-time grid, which provides an aggregate view of the daily Spec Pool market.
- View offerings bucketed across all maturities and coupons against stories ranging from New Issue, Seasoned pools, Max Loan Balance, LTV and more.
Spec Pool Search – Enhanced reference data
- Narrow searches across a range of product-specific fields such as: Coupon, WAC, WALA, Servicer of interest, etc. to quickly discover and track valuable sectors of the market.
Search by Dealer
- Apply a dealer filter to Searches.
SQ Web: Complete overhaul; optimizations and new column grid
- Utilizing new web technology, there is a new look and feel so users can access and customize data more quickly and easily.
Customized Columns and Saved Layouts
- Users can now save multiple layouts/views throughout the platform.
- Layouts will affect: Portfolios, BWIC Monitor, Inventory Monitor, Searches, Quotes Tab.
- Select and manage your layouts via the Manager which is also located in your “Settings”.
- Note: The icon beside the layout name denotes a shared layout.
Also included in this release:
- Expanded date range for Inventory Monitor: Access historical markets from parsed messages up to one week.
- Customize your BWIC and Inventory Monitors by additional Spec Pool columns including: Coupon, WAC, WALA, Servicer of interest, etc.
- Modify new and saved saved searches by right-clicking on a saved search or by selecting “Modify Search” in the upper right-hand corner of an open search.
- New columns such as Last Bid Composite Date are available in the column chooser.
To access pricing on Agency Passthroughs / MBS or other Fixed Income Securities, request a free trial.
Solve houses the bond market’s largest dataset of bids, offers, BWIC price talk, and trade color. Powered by machine learning and natural language processing, our platform puts more than 500,000 securities at your fingertips. Coverage includes: Structured Products, Corporate Bonds, Syndicated Bank Loans, CDS, and Municipal Bonds.
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