Syndicated Bank Loans


Outperformers Spotlight:
Week Ending 6/10/22

Top Outperformers from Solve Advisors’ Bank Loan data.

Consumer Goods: Non-Durable – Quiksilver

Quiksilver’s Term Loan outperformed the market by 4.53% relative to other issuers in the non-durable consumer goods industry last week after the swimwear company announced it has collaborated with Netflix original series, Stranger Things, in a fashion partnership inspired by the brand’s original 80s era designs.

High Tech Industries – Verifone

Verifone’s Term Loan (Ticker: PAY) outperformed the market by 2.83% relative to other issuers in the High Tech industries last week after announcing a cross-distribution partnership with Lavu that will integrate Lavu’s restaurant software suite with Verifone’s FLEX payment solution.

Beverage, Food, & Tobacco – Fogo De Chao

Fogo de Chão’s Term Loan outperformed the market by $0.61 relative to other issuers in the Beverage, Food & Tobacco industry last week after the internationally renowned restaurant announced it was opening its fifth New York restaurant in Elmhurst.

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