Opening the black box: SOLVE’s new AI claims to predict ‘next-trade’ bond prices
SOLVE, provider of pre-trade quotes data across fixed income markets, has rolled out an artificial intelligence platform (AI) that is designed to predict the next trade level for fixed income securities. Eugene Grinberg, founder and CEO, SOLVE spoke exclusively to The DESK about how the platform works, what asset classes are next, and just how accurate SOLVE’s new AI platform is.
Quotes on bonds provided by SOLVE Px (SOLVE Price) will be generated by SOLVE’s AI model, which is designed to predict a security’s next trade price based on several hundred feature inputs, including reference data, trade data and SOLVE’s proprietary muni quote data collected from market contributors. The AI tracks 900,000 muni bonds and by having a consistent pricing time series across almost the entire muni asset class, including pricing for extremely illiquid bonds, it is hoped SOLVE clients will be able to extract broader market insights to help identify opportunities.
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