BDC Filing Season Q1 2023 Week 3

BDC data provided by the Advantage Data Workstation, a SOLVE product. For more information about our BDC data or our other products please contact

Filing Recap

This report will analyze the 33 BDCs that filed last week. Aggregate Fair Value reported by these BDCs is 28.50 Billion USD which is approximately 10.87% of aggregate AUM of all BDCs.

Name Number of Investments % Portfolio Cost % Gain/Loss Principal Value Fair Value FV Yield Filtered Yield Cost Yield
HPS Corporate Lending Fund 366 100.00% 6,839,415 -0.962 7,685,590 6,773,623 17.86 11.77 17.01
Morgan Stanley Direct Lending Fund 405 100.00% 2,992,717 -2.226 2,991,261 2,926,097 11.83 11.67 11.27
North Haven Private Income Fund LLC 354 100.00% 2,204,301 -3.074 2,212,744 2,136,533 11.51 11.22 10.77
Stone Point Capital Credit LLC 139 100.00% 1,778,957 -1.492 1,806,554 1,752,410 11.79 11.65 11.44
FS Energy & Power Fund 76 100.00% 1,648,959 5.682 1,071,773 1,742,661 11.78 11.49 203.23
T Series Middle Market Loan Fund LLC 242 100.00% 1,367,999 -2.371 1,380,912 1,335,567 11.69 11.55 11.21
MSD Investment Corp. 64 100.00% 1,327,074 -3.03 1,226,093 1,286,860 13.74 13.54 13.16
Kayne Anderson BDC, LLC 173 100.00% 1,252,096 1.394 1,255,729 1,269,551 11.38 11.3 11.74
AB Private Credit Investors Corp. 450 100.00% 1,253,166 -1.531 1,251,345 1,233,974 25.87 11.21 11.06
NMF SLF I, Inc. 277 100.00% 1,213,356 -1.364 1,351,753 1,196,808 11.37 11.21 11.07
SL Investment Corp. 334 100.00% 1,123,224 -2.346 1,132,165 1,096,868 11.65 11.5 11.06
MSC Income Fund Inc. 365 100.00% 1,081,391 0.381 933,169 1,085,509 20.15 12.99 13
AG Twin Brook Capital Income Fund 128 100.00% 880,118 0.513 1,114,404 884,633 41.27 11.43 42.89
Audax Credit BDC Inc. 281 100.00% 406,273 -1.829 407,506 398,844 11.34 10.55 10.18
Brightwood Capital Corp I 36 100.00% 389,188 0.709 390,558 391,946 11.92 11.92 12.1
ARES STRATEGIC INCOME FUND 150 100.00% 334,822 -0.22 341,635 334,085 9.9 9.84 9.82
Star Mountain Lower Middle-Market Capital Corp. 82 100.00% 326,015 0.508 305,375 327,671 15.21 13.18 13.58
Redwood Enhanced Income Corp. 41 100.00% 328,220 -4.338 357,250 313,982 14.52 12.61 31.42
Golub Capital Direct Lending Corp 446 100.00% 265,211 -0.762 255,335 263,191 11.41 11.39 11.17
Carlyle Secured Lending III 72 100.00% 238,478 -0.422 242,597 237,472 12.03 12.02 11.94
PIMCO Capital Solutions BDC Corp. 32 100.00% 244,421 -3.613 268,339 235,590 16.97 10.33 15.59
Investcorp Credit Management BDC Inc. 60 100.00% 244,372 -9.435 217,631 221,315 13.31 12.3 12.95
New Mountain Guardian IV BDC LLC 75 100.00% 190,895 0.558 237,660 191,960 11.9 11.75 12.06
Muzinich BDC Inc. 23 100.00% 172,228 0.738 172,694 173,499 13.76 13.76 13.89
Kayne DL 2021 Inc. 91 100.00% 131,468 2.067 131,588 134,186 11.19 11.19 11.73
Kennedy Lewis Capital Co 55 100.00% 129,519 -0.75 99,450 128,548 10.72 10.56 10.51
Steele Creek Capital Corp 167 100.00% 136,253 -5.723 137,774 128,455 11.08 9.76 9.36
Fidelity Private Credit Fund 16 100.00% 103,516 1.006 107,447 104,557 11.81 11.81 12.02
NexPoint Capital Inc. 40 100.00% 50,811 -2.57 19,039 49,505 17.06 14.85
Investcorp US Institutional Private Credit Fund 23 100.00% 41,966 -0.239 42,760 41,865 12.13 12.13 12.35
Firsthand Technology Value Fund Inc. 76 100.00% 134,709 -73.749 98,375 35,362 9.08 9.08 109.6
Guggenheim Credit Income Fund 32 100.00% 41,941 -18.34 41,899 34,249 15.91 12.58 14.15
Princeton Capital Corp. 18 100.00% 39,236 -25.399 22,752 29,270 9.5
Total 5,189 100.00% 28,912,314 -1.44% 29,311,155 28,496,647 15.54 11.66 19.55


At least 13 BDCs that filed last week have reported Non–Accruals amounting to 549.78 Million USD at Cost. Audax Credit BDC Inc. and MSC Income Fund Inc. are leading the Non-Accruals list.

Name Number of Investments % Portfolio Cost % Gain/Loss Principal Value Fair Value FV Yield Filtered Yield Cost Yield
Audax Credit BDC Inc. 266 99.11% 403,136 -1.944 407,506 395,299 11.34 10.55 10.18
MSC Income Fund Inc. 8 0.68% 48,744 -84.94 50,025 7,341 449.87 21.46
HPS Corporate Lending Fund 5 0.49% 34,775 -4.874 35,190 33,080 14.95 13.18 12.73
AB Private Credit Investors Corp. 13 0.96% 22,593 -47.838 23,445 11,785 5,027.69 22.8
MSD Investment Corp. 1 0.28% 11,287 -67.768 11,928 3,638
Investcorp Credit Management BDC Inc. 4 1.32% 10,363 -71.756 10,381 2,927 19.49
Princeton Capital Corp. 2 12.17% 6,016 -40.813 6,016 3,561
Star Mountain Lower Middle-Market Capital Corp. 1 0.69% 4,454 -49.277 4,519 2,259 85.56 16.98
FS Energy & Power Fund 1 3,827 3,827
Morgan Stanley Direct Lending Fund 1 0.02% 1,500 -60.067 1,500 599
Guggenheim Credit Income Fund 1 0.13% 1,458 -97.051 4,291 43
Steele Creek Capital Corp 1 0.09% 1,130 -89.469 1,134 119
SL Investment Corp. 1 0.02% 500 -60 500 200
Total 305 2.67% 549,784 -16.18% 560,261 460,851 57.37 10.71 11.69

Portfolio Composition By Industry

The chart below is a bird’s-eye view of the BDCs aggregate Industry Diversification.

Portfolio Composition By Asset Class

The chart below is an overview of the BDCs aggregate Diversification by Asset Class.

BDC Investments Maturing in the next 12 Months

The table below summarizes aggregate investments of last week’s BDCs that are maturing in the next 12 months, which combined are worth more than 671.05 Million USD at cost.

BDC Cost (1000) FV (1000)
MSC Income Fund Inc. 160,309 124,847
FS Energy & Power Fund 122,728 127,761
Kayne Anderson BDC, LLC 113,370 114,098
AB Private Credit Investors Corp. 76,990 69,378
Firsthand Technology Value Fund Inc. 52,040 17,910
Redwood Enhanced Income Corp. 25,009 24,310
PIMCO Capital Solutions BDC Corp. 23,830 23,209
Investcorp Credit Management BDC Inc. 21,338 17,813
Morgan Stanley Direct Lending Fund 13,022 13,058
Star Mountain Lower Middle-Market Capital Corp. 12,078 11,843
MSD Investment Corp. 11,287 3,638
Princeton Capital Corp. 10,383 9,286
Guggenheim Credit Income Fund 6,721 4,652
Stone Point Capital Credit LLC 5,830 5,223
Steele Creek Capital Corp 4,555 4,022
SL Investment Corp. 4,341 4,353
Audax Credit BDC Inc. 3,575 3,287
Kayne DL 2021 Inc. 2,560 2,600
NexPoint Capital Inc. 1,104 1,102
Golub Capital Direct Lending Corp 6 6
New Mountain Guardian IV BDC LLC 0 -37
NMF SLF I, Inc. -23 -1,170
 Total                   671,053                                   581,189

Top 10 BDC Investments

BDCs portfolio quality can be measured by taking a deeper dive into the BDC’s top 10 investments. While these investments are small in number, they are the primary determinant of a BDC’s portfolio performance. Top 10 Investments of BDCs that filed last week amount to 8.42 Billion USD (Cost) accounting for 29.11% of their aggregate holdings (Cost).

BDC Cost (1000) FV (1000)
HPS Corporate Lending Fund     1,367,603     1,373,018
FS Energy & Power Fund        874,435     1,011,143
Stone Point Capital Credit LLC        646,773        647,125
Morgan Stanley Direct Lending Fund        645,674        634,017
MSD Investment Corp.        553,408        537,337
North Haven Private Income Fund LLC        440,493        435,152
AG Twin Brook Capital Income Fund        330,510        333,958
T Series Middle Market Loan Fund LLC        320,264        311,703
Kayne Anderson BDC, LLC        312,758        319,991
Brightwood Capital Corp I        289,663        291,325
NMF SLF I, Inc.        289,554        289,642
SL Investment Corp.        254,495        248,002
AB Private Credit Investors Corp.        233,362        233,279
MSC Income Fund Inc.        195,112        257,710
Muzinich BDC Inc.        171,821        172,789
PIMCO Capital Solutions BDC Corp.        164,107        157,657
Redwood Enhanced Income Corp.        145,717        143,114
Star Mountain Lower Middle-Market Capital Corp.        142,370        143,353
Firsthand Technology Value Fund Inc.        134,709          35,362
Carlyle Secured Lending III        116,034        115,827
Investcorp Credit Management BDC Inc.        101,413          99,747
ARES STRATEGIC INCOME FUND        101,336        100,890
New Mountain Guardian IV BDC LLC          99,792        100,068
Golub Capital Direct Lending Corp          99,499          99,731
Fidelity Private Credit Fund          74,597          75,267
Kennedy Lewis Capital Co          71,386          70,943
Audax Credit BDC Inc.          49,754          49,735
Kayne DL 2021 Inc.          48,048          49,099
NexPoint Capital Inc.          34,035          38,371
Guggenheim Credit Income Fund          33,982          31,654
Princeton Capital Corp.          29,028          29,270
Investcorp US Institutional Private Credit Fund          28,632          28,786
Steele Creek Capital Corp          16,816          16,366
Total   8,417,179   8,481,430

Source: The BDC Advantage, Advantage Data Inc., Copyright © 2023.Redistribution Strictly Prohibited. Data can not be used in any way to populate a database nor shared with unauthorized users. See ADI Terms. All rights reserved. +1 (617) 261 9700.

BDC Filing Season Recaps are written by Sourav Srimal, Nikhil Thadaney, Andrew Robartes, and Nayan Raj. For more information about our BDC data or our other products please contact

Sourav Srimal
Senior Vice President

Nikhil Thadaney
Data Analyst

Andrew Robartes
Data Analyst

Nayan Raj
Data Analyst

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