AI Stock-Picking Warren Buffett

Plus: Skadden’s Dan Michael, SOLVE’s new Predictive Bond Pricing Tool and Retail Investors Bad Bets.

The following is an excerpt from AI Street’s weekly roundup of curated news, analysis and expert interviews. The week of September 19th, 2024 featured SOLVE’s Predictive Bond Pricing Tool, SOLVE Px™.

SOLVE, a Fixed Income market data platform, launched an AI-powered tool aimed at improving pricing transparency in the municipal bond market. SOLVE Px offers real-time pricing data for more than 900,000 municipal bonds — even those that haven’t traded in months.

Much of the pricing and trading data in the muni market is shared informally through emails and messages.

SOLVE’s system gathers quotes by parsing messages between market participants, using its Natural Language Processing model to organize and curate bids, offerings, trade chatter, and other relevant data.

“What the AI is doing is learning from all of those data sets. It’s looking at trades, SOLVE Quotes data, and reference data,’’ said Eugene Grinberg, SOLVE’s founder and CEO. “The AI is learning from all of those and producing a prediction in real time.”


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    AI Stock-Picking Warren Buffett – Originally published in AI Street

    SOLVE, a Fixed Income market data platform, launched an AI-powered tool aimed at improving pricing transparency in the municipal bond market. SOLVE Px offers real-time pricing data for more than 900,000 municipal bonds — even those that haven’t traded in months.


    SOLVE Debuts AI-Driven Predictive Pricing Platform for the Municipal Bond Market

    SOLVE, the leading provider of pre-trade data and predictive pricing for fixed income securities markets, is debuting SOLVE Px™, the firm’s proprietary, AI-driven predictive price data for the municipal bond market. SOLVE Px will provide SOLVE’s buy and sell-side customers with unprecedented visibility into “next-trade” pricing data on over 900,000 municipal bonds.