2024 Buy-Side Fixed Income Technology Innovation: A Matter of Workflows
(Originally Published by TabbFORUM)
Eugene Grinberg, co-founder and CEO of SOLVE, a market data platform provider for fixed income securities, explained how the process of adopting new workflows has to be built incrementally upon established and widely received technology breakthroughs. In the instance of SOLVE, for example, early on the company heavily utilized natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) to support its phase one data, analytics, and workflow solutions. Upon this technological foundation, it is now able to offer next-generation solutions such as fully generated predictive bond pricing.
SOLVES’s Grinberg highlighted this natural ebb and flow of adoption among buy-side firms with regard to fixed income technology. “From what I’ve seen, the adoption cycle plays out with any new data set or any new technology initially among a small subset of clients that are more experimental and willing to take the first mover position to get that edge. They’re willing to try new things and find a way to translate that into ROI. And then once that starts happening, you start seeing more of the FOMO effect.”